Friday, March 2, 2007

A crazy conference

First…its amazing how when you have a rough week and everything hits the fan, God totally picks you up in ways you wouldn’t expects…funny cards, e-mails, humor in struggle…not to mention a completely ridiculous conferences.

You wont find this nearly as funny as I did for many reasons, but this is partly to help me remember the story. Here’s what happened. We had this conference with this biology professor (67 gray-haired gringo, hits the table when he talks, paces, definitely uses his voice) who ‘works at the 5 biggest universities in Costa Rica’ so he ‘obviously’ knows what he is talking about. I’m sure he did…I’m probably just a little too stupid to catch what it was. Anyway, after blithering on and on about lots of things (mostly globalization) and quoting lots of books he threw in this statement:

“Eskimos’ survival depends on their ability to distinguish 62 different types of snow…I don’t know if that’s true because I saw it in a movie.”

And then:

“…and my last name is Crowther, which obviously means the one that takes care of birds.”

Then he gave us ‘marriage advice’ and told us not ‘to have any expectations, it’s great’ that way.
I laughed until I cried…and then I started to wheeze from laugher…it was great. I’m really liking my friends here and I’m trying to soak up the time with them. God has been so faithful and I don’t want to forget how His crazy Mighty hand is working in all of this.

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