Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Old Story, New Blog

So I must have this fascination with musicals or something because I’m always singing, I love almost every musical I’ve seen and one day I’d love to have someone follow me around with a guitar and play background music to everything I do…how sweet would that be. Anyway, I’ve had this new obsession with my trips into and out of San José. Every time I’m on the bus I imagine everyone (you know, the tired, serious pissed-off looking people) suddenly smiling and breaking out into song…like High School Musical, except on a bus…in Spanish. *Like a blizzard, only different.* So get this. After I expressed this ridiculous desire to my friend Amanda, IT HAPPENED, almost. She was riding the bus one morning and a drunk, crazy or possessed man stood up in the front of the bus and started singing at the top of his lungs! FOR TIPS!! How great is that. Too bad I wasn’t there because I would have peed my pants laughing, not to mention that he would have gotten and extra tip from me. Wow. What a life. God can use the most odd situations to bring a smile to my face. Thanks.

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