Monday, February 5, 2007


I went to the beach again. It was splendid. But I recently realized that the places themselves aren’t what make the experience great. As cliché as it sounds, its really how God shows Himself. Maybe a better way to say it is that I ‘get life’. It’s like everyday of my life I get caught up in me, and all the junk that fills my time—disguised as homework and my ‘to do’ list. But on vacation I see life…real life. Like seeing a blowfish. Listening to friends laugh. Watching a sunset and moonrise. And reading a chapter of a book—one that feels like a biography. There’s just something about getting away that makes me feel so much more like…like I’m where I need to be.
I think that’s how God feels about comfort; whether that’s in routine, money, tradition, beliefs or whatever. Its hard to leave it because its just ‘what you do’. But if you can find the time to pull away, you somehow get a glimpse of ‘completeness’ that the comfort just doesn’t have. Knowing this should make leaving comfort a bit easier…yet it doesn’t. I guess we just have to force ourselves to get away, even if it does cost a lot (like a trip to the beach). But feeling a bit more complete…now THAT, wow—how do you put that in words.

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