Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Pick Up

It seems like I’m been on a roller coaster emotions, thoughts, businesses and more lately. Maybe it’s just because I’m a girl (the whole estrogen thing) but I’m guessing that’s not it. Mostly I’m just struggling with knowing where God wants to take me and how He wants me to look at and appreciate the whole around me. Its hard, I must admit. I miss the conveniences of my life in the States and often wish I didn’t have to ‘deal’ with things like busses and exchanging money and putting on my ‘don’t mess with me, even though I’m a white female’ face.

But I have to remember this: frustration is good. Finding comfort and satisfaction in frustration isn’t.

Last weekend I went to the beach and it was just what I needed. I saw monkeys and crabs. I made a sand igloo to remember how much I miss home…or not J I played soccer on the beach and I danced the night away to Calypso. I went to a banana plantation and saw, well duh, bananas. I talked and laughed and journaled and laughed some more.

Funny things:

A 40 year old guy tried to pick me up on the bus the other night. I thought he was going to follow me home. Amazing how I seem to get myself in odd situations like that. The offer was tempting being that he was old(er), not so attractive, living with his parents and ‘drank away his sorrows’ on the weekend. But he said he wanted to buy a Harley so that was a plus.

My friend with little feet fell in a TINY water filled whole why walking on the sidewalk. For once I was glad I have slightly larger feet.

I wasn’t a minority today. I went to a coffee shop and a TON of white people came in. It was odd. Heather and I started talking in Spanish and I think deep down it was because I didn’t want them to understand. Heartless…just heartless.

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